
This is a collection of articles, typically longer and more in-depth than blog posts, illustrating various aspects of the Christian life. Some of them are hosted on this site, and some are links to other websites, which will be noted in the descriptions. Articles that are hosted here may change as they are refined by ongoing discussions and comments, and new material will be added over time. Contact us if you have thoughts on these articles or know of something which should be hosted or linked to here.

(Recommendations do not imply any endorsement of other materials written by the same author, not do links to other websites constitute an endorsement of other material on the same site. As a matter of fact, we attempt to reach across “ideological lines” and find good elements even in world-views that are otherwise flawed. )

A Short Summary of Happy Are You Poor

A short summary of Fr. Dubay’s classic spiritual text, which lays out the importance and meaning of voluntary poverty in the Christian life. The name of this website is a tribute to this book. The summary is a good starting point, but can’t do justice to the force and strength of Fr. Dubay’s writing; we encourage everyone to read the book for themselves.

101 Ways to Change Your Life–Right Now!

This is an evolving list of ideas for constructive changes that can be implemented to make one’s life more radical. They are not “rules” but rather “suggestions” or “possibilities.” Also, there are not 101 of them! Right now, there are less than 101; as we get more suggestions from readers, there may eventually be more than 101. A few of the suggestions in the “Faith” category are specific to Catholics.

Quotes from Catholic Social Teaching Documents

Attached to the description of this podcast episode is a list of quotes, mostly drawn from Papal writings, on Catholic Social Teaching. The quotes are linked back to the relevant documents so they can be read in context.

Vatican II: A Failed Council? A Defense of Vatican II

At Happy Are You Poor, we strive to be loyal to the Church in everything we write and publish. Part of that loyalty is respecting the teaching of the Popes and the Ecumenical Councils. In this article, Malcolm Schluenderfritz defends Vatican II against the change of being a “failed council”.