Join the Conversation!

Join the Conversation!

We welcome all to participate in our ongoing conversation! The core Happy Are You Poor team members are Catholics and we present a Catholic perspective on the topics covered, but all Christians are welcome to join our discussions. Please comment on our blog and podcast page or on our in-depth articles. We try to answer all input from readers and listeners. If you wish to participate in local attempts at community building, submit material for publication, and/or to join our eventual monthly online meetings, please contact us!

Meet with local Christians who are trying to build community!

To connect with others in your local area who are attempting to put these ideas into practice, contact us! We currently have participants in several cities across the USA. If you’d like to become a local contact, let us know!

Simone Weil House in Portland Oregon is looking for new community members. SW House is a Catholic Worker community. As well as providing hospitality and community meals, they run an interest-free loan program and many other projects. To learn more about them or to get in touch, you can find their website here. You can also listen to our interview with them here.

What can I do Right Now?

We hope that the ideas and conversations on this website will inspire others in their journey of following Christ; rather than trying to “found” something, we hope to act as a catalyst for participatory change.

See our article “101 ways to change your life!” for places to start.